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Uzbekistan: Support to activities in aquaculture and fisheries (Phase 2)

Project background

From 2015 – 2020, GIZ has supported the development of the aquaculture and fisheries sectors in Karakalpakstan (KKP).  Due to the overarching problem of water shortage, local natural lakes are facing a multitude of problems and are drying up as a result. The management of the lakes is challenging. The lack of a management system and skills, quality control of the water, thorough analysis of fish species, productivity, diseases and feeding systems hinders the development of this sub-sector. Technical and financial efforts are required for the improvement of the current situation.

The project „Support to economic reforms and sustainable economic development in Uzbekistan“ aims at strengthening the implementation of the economic reforms and local economic development in regions of Uzbekistan with a special focus on Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Namangan and Ferghana regions.


1. Support the creation of job placements in selected value chains (VC) through the introduction of modern innovative approaches,

2. Support the development of business services and service providers,

3. Strengthen the capacities of local institutions in the field of local economic development,

4.  Initiate Public-Private Dialogues (PPD) in order to strengthen the cooperation between the actors of the public and private sector.


The project interventions consisted of capacity building measures, advisory services for target groups in KKP and Tashkent region and conducting an aquaculture Value Chain Analysis (VCA) in Ferghana valley, a potential new intervention region for fishery and aquaculture support by GIZ. In detail, the following achievements were made:

  • Established good cooperation with the Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University in Karakalpakstan
  • Conducted veterinary training, 
  • Systems for aquatic animal health and disease control and surveillance established
  • Fish disease booklet designed and elaborated for subsequent training of authorities
  • Capacity building conducted for farmers, producers and local specialists in order to develop semi-intensive and intensive fish production systems
  • Two scientific research institutions in Tashkent and Nukus received a multi-facetted capacity strengthening
  • Value chain analysis conducted in three regions of the Ferghana Valley
  • Increased cooperation with fish feed manufacturers with regard to the production of higher quality fish feed
  • Elaborated fact sheet and PR material for stakeholders and University
  • Training and capacity building measures for the value chain development organised and conducted
  • Fisheries associations received support in strategic and organisational development
  • Support for the pilot operation and the planned pilot tests for intensification
  • Procurement of equipment and supplies
  • Coordination with other donors (USAID, FAO)

Start date:


End date:






Central Asia







Aquatic animal health

Capacity strengthening


Value chains