Specific services and skills

- review and preparation of fisheries policy and strategy
- drawing up sustainable fisheries management and development plans
- fisheries information systems
- support for the development of artisanal and coastal fisheries
- community-based resources management
- assessment of spatial fishing effort distribution
- fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS)
- support of eco-certification processes

- aquaculture policy and strategy development
- legal aquaculture framework review and elaboration
- improvement of production, intensification and processing
- implementation of guidelines and good aquaculture practices
- aquaculture organisations development
- sectorial technical support, e.g. to hatcheries and fish farms
- capacity-building and development
- production of training materials
- feed sector development
- marketing of aquaculture products
- support for aquaculture financial mechanisms
- strengthening value chains
- environmental impact assessment/biosecurity
- seafood safety and advisory services on sanitary standards
- fish health and welfare, hygiene, veterinary assistance and biosecurity, eco-certification
- aquaculture spatial planning and zonation
- feasibility studies for private farms
- fish processing support and plant establishment
- project design and project evaluation for international cooperation
- development and design of aquaculture infrastructure and technology

- planning and realisation of blue economy development processes
- socio-economic assessment of blue economy potential
- sector assessment
- environmental impact assessment
- involvement of stakeholders and interest groups
- assessment of potential conflicts between blue economy sectors

- creation, reviews and updates of regional policies and strategies
- legal aspects of regional cooperation
- decentralisation and local governance
- mapping of sectors, uses and interactions
- stakeholder mapping
- alignment of legal texts with international standards and EU fisheries legislation
- cross-border management of fisheries and stocks
- assisting regional harmonisation of joint initiatives
- regional fisheries resources research
- alignment of strategies with overarching planning
- analysis of upstream and downstream value chains
- support for community-led local development (CLLD)
- analysing spatial requirements and developments in relation to fisheries and aquaculture areas, coasts, aquatic habitats and wetlands
Cross cutting services
- policy analysis and reorientation
- advice and assistance at all project cycle steps, feasibility analysis
- implementation of development assistance projects
- organisational development at all institutional levels
- gender equality and empowerment of women
- capacity strengthening, skill development, technical and vocational education and training (TVET)
- legal reviews and elaboration of legal texts
- market analysis, socio-economic assessment
- research and development
- data management, information and communication systems
- monitoring and evaluation
- spatial planning and mapping
- visibility, organisation and logistics of meetings, workshops, conferences etc.