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Republic of Congo: Kuani fish farm pre-feasibility study (Kouilou region)

Project background

Due to its geographical location and climate, the Republic of Congo offers significant potential for the development of aquaculture, especially continental pond fish farming. Tilapia (known locally as "carp") and African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), two of the most important species farmed in continental aquaculture worldwide, are present in the Republic of Congo and are well-known and popular among local consumers. The marketing of aquaculture products is therefore not an obstacle to the development of this industry, especially since the high demand on the national market and the scarcity of supply result in high selling prices. 
However, aquaculture production is still very limited. Private fish farmers are essentially engaged in extensive aquaculture with no inputs and therefore low yields, and the sector appears to be declining due to a lack of attractiveness and yields. Against this background and given the need to diversify the sector in Congo, a private investor wants to enter commercial aquaculture and explore the possibilities of developing freshwater and marine fish farming.


COFAD has been commissioned to carry out a preliminary study to identify one or more potential production sites for a freshwater and a shrimp farm. This study should enable the Client to determine the adequate species for the selected sites and define the technical and financial viability of each potential project at each site and for each type of production (freshwater or saltwater). This study should allow the Client to select one or more possible productions and to focus his investment along the recommendations of the feasibility study.


  • Analyses of defined potential sites and exploration of new sites, SWOT of each site
  • Sector analysis for Congo and Pointe Noire Market analysis of tilapia and catfish species, prawns and freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium spp.) and value chain assessment
  • Analysis of existing regulations and legislation relating to aquaculture activities
  • Water and soil analyses of defined and validated sites
  • GIS cartography created of the selected sites and potential placement of production farms included
  • Production models and technical itineraries on the two selected sites, and technical recommendations established
  • Technical and economic analysis of the models and production methods selected for the various sites 
  • Financial analysis of the project (capex/opex) and analysis of the associated risks
  • Recommendations and next steps for project implementation
  • Coordination of the various experts and project partners and information meetings with the investors and government institutions involved in the future project

Start date:


End date:




Central Africa


Congo, Republic of





Capacity strengthening

Value chains