EU: Scientific data storage and transmission under the Data Collection Multi-Annual Programme (DCMAP) - feasibility study
Project Background
The EU's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) was and is guided by the principles of good governance, including decision-making based on the best available scientific advice. Scientific advice depends on the availability of relevant, accurate and up-to-date data. Data collection is carried out within the framework of the Data Collection Framework (DCF) and the multi-annual Union programme for data collection established on this basis. During the ongoing discussion on the Multi-Annual Programme for Data Collection (DCMAP 2014-2020), it became clear that the current data storage and data transmission for the data collected under the DCF needed to be adapted.
a) To provide a description of the current data storage and transmission set-up (baseline scenario).
b) To develop several possible scenarios for the future for the data storage and transmission set-up which allow achieving a number of policy objectives.
c) To assess the effectiveness and feasibility of these possible scenarios. In this context the effectiveness shall be assessed against the achievement of the policy objectives, and the feasibility shall be assessed against legal, administrative and financial constraints to implementation.
Tasks included
- Description of the current data storage and transmission set-up, listing of relevant databases, and outline their data structure. Assessment of duplications, similarities and differences shall be assessed, as well as the value added of each database
- Development of several possible scenarios for the future for the data storage and transmission set-up with the objective of needs simplifying the set-up and adapting it to the needs of data providers, of those implementing data quality assessments and of data end-users
- Assessment of the baseline scenario and the possible scenarios, including assessment of cost, time for transition from the baseline scenario to the possible scenarios for the futures and meeting of policy objectives
Activities and/or Results
- Description and assessment of complex database systems
- Elaboration of alternative database set-up scenarios.
- Assessment of interactions and overlaps between reporting obligation and database set-ups in the context of various reporting obligation, including Data Collection Framework, fisheries control regulation, Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and Integrated Maritime Policy.
- Analysis of institutional aspects of entities concerned (including ICES, Regional Fisheries Management Organisations, including GFCM, Regional Sea Conventions, JRC, Eurostat, and FAO).
- Analysis of legal aspects, in particular data confidentiality.
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End date:
EU Member States
Data management, information systems, ICT