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Germany: Aquaculture perspectives and position on the international market

Project Background

The German aquaculture sector is often described as “stagnant”. However, there are differences between the different branches of aquaculture (pond culture, flow-through systems mainly for salmonides, recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS), net cages, mussel culture, other marine aquaculture and culture of algae). Up to this point, various initiatives had attempted to promote the aquaculture sector, e.g.

  • the National Strategy Plan for the Development of Aquaculture (2014-2020)
  • the operational programmes under the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) 2007-2013 and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020

which, however, have not led to the desired growth of the sector.


Against this background, the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) commissioned a consortium consisting of AFC (overall lead), COFAD (technical lead) and the University of Rostock to conduct a comprehensive review of the German aquaculture sector and its international competitiveness. The study covered technical aspects, including aspects of economic, ecological and social sustainability, the organisation of the sector, the legal and institutional frame conditions, knowledge and innovation and other relevant aspects.

The aim of the study was to elaborate strategies to overcome stagnation and to find solutions for the most urgent problems of the sector. The results of the study should serve the BLE and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture as a basis for further activities and decisions.

Activities and Results

  • Comprehensive review of the German aquaculture sector
  • Implementation of sector surveys, interviews and workshops
  • Evaluation of relevant literature and data
  • Value chain analysis 
  • SWOT analysis
  • Elaboration of recommendations
  • Delivering a final report

Start date:


End date:






Western Europe




Federal Government

