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Madagascar: Development of Sustainable Freshwater Aquaculture (CP MAD)

Project Background

The Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture (GV Fisch) project was part of the One World - No Hunger (SEWOH) special initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Within this framework, the country package "Development of Sustainable Freshwater Aquaculture in Madagascar" (CP MAD) was implemented for a period of 4.5 years and divided into three action areas, which were shared between the French NGO APDRA, GIZ and a private consultancy (COFAD):

  • Improve the production of fish from rice-fish culture and employment in the sector
  • Improve the production of fish from pond-aquaculture and employment in the sector
  • Create the required framework for a successful implementation of sustainable aquaculture practices


The overall objective of the CP MAD was to support the development of Madagascar's aquaculture sector in selected inland regions to increase the availability of fish products and income from fish farming from sustainably operated small and medium aquaculture farms.

"The food-insecure population in the selected regions in the highlands of Madagascar and around Antananarivo will have more fish products available and higher income from sustainable and resource-efficient production by small and medium aquaculture farms."

The project aimed to develop the aquaculture sector in a more entrepreneurial direction and B2B including value chain strengthening. Special attention was given to the semi-commercial producers in the highlands of Madagascar and their specific needs for sustainable aquaculture development including tailor-made business approaches.


  • Established a system for technical capacity building
  • Established the content for technical capacity building in the several fields
    • Pond establishment in common use facilities
    • Breeding and hatchery practices including fingerling production in common use facilities – state, private or mixed running
    • Grow-out pond operation in common use facilities
    • Biosecurity and fish health
    • Administration and planning of pond-farming activities
    • Nutrition and food security
    • Training of over 1 500 farmers and 200 persons along the value chain. Improved production by 40% at farm level and 300% at hatcheries level. 
  • Assured provision of quality resources to pond farmers and distribution network strengthen
  • Provided advice to selected bureaus of the ministry of fishery and aquaculture in the field of pond aquaculture and related extension services
  • Integrated the component of pond aquaculture into a multi-stakeholder platform, B2B network
  • Achieved strengthening of the value chain at national level, for fish distribution and processing, fish feed industry and suppliers
  • Provided support on fish feed factory and processing plants in the country (3 factories)

Start date:


End date:






Eastern Africa







Capacity strengthening