Myanmar: Evaluation of the Sustainable Coastal Fisheries programme
Project Background
The objective of the assignment was to provide both the Danish Embassy, as donor, and the Directorate of Fisheries (DoF), as the implementing partner, with a qualified opinion on the current status of implementation in terms of results achieved, as well as the partner’s programme administration, financial management and technical capacity and involvement in implementation of the Sustainable Coastal Fisheries programme (SCF). Specifically, the technical review team made recommendations on management and technical aspects deemed necessary to support the SCF in achieving (as much as possible) the programme objectives described in the Development Engagement Document. The recommendations from this technical review also fed into the overall mid-term review of the whole country programme, which took place in May of 2019.
The consultancy specifically addressed, but was not necessarily limited to, the below five key focus areas:
1. Overall achievements and progress of SCF
2. Overall Management of SCF
3. Financial Management of SCF
4. Technical Implementation of SCF
5. Role of the Technical advisers in the implementation of SCF
Activities and/or Results
The following services were conducted :
- Provided an overall assessment of main results achieved by the SCF programme within the first two years of operation among others based on the targets set in the Results Framework.
- Worked with DOF and the technical advisers to understand the status of implementation (planned vs. actual) based on approved work plans/budget.
- Discussed with DOF and implementing partners how they see the likelihood of achieving overall anticipated results of SCF by the end of the program in 2020.
- Mid-term evaluation report and recommendations to DoF from technical point of view for strategy development and fisheries management
- Assessed the overall financial management of the programme
Start date:
End date:
South-Eastern Asia
Monitoring and evaluation