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The following selection of reference projects demonstrates COFAD's expertise and longstanding experience.

Project title Sector Client Region Country Start End Sort ascending
Saint Lucia: Integrated management of coastal resources and marine protected areas MSP and ICZM GIZ Caribbean Saint Lucia 2012 2015
EU: Scientific data storage and transmission under the Data Collection Multi-Annual Programme (DCMAP) - feasibility study Data management, information systems, ICT, Fisheries EU Europe EU Member States 2013 2014
Germany: Ex-Ante-Evaluation of European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Operational Plan Data management, information systems, ICT, Fisheries, Policy, strategy and governance Federal Government Europe Germany 2012 2014
EU: Assistance for the monitoring of the implementation of national programmes for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector (Framework Contract MARE/2009/08) Data management, information systems, ICT, Fisheries EU Europe EU Member States 2010 2014
West Africa: Capacity development for regional sustainable fisheries management at SRFC Capacity strengthening, Data management, information systems, ICT, Fisheries, Policy, strategy and governance GIZ Africa, Western Africa Mauritania 2006 2013
Mauritania: Development of mariculture in the Baie du Levrier Mariculture GIZ Africa, Western Africa Mauritania 2012 2013
Sierra Leone: Training on information systems for collecting, compiling and analysing fisheries data and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Aquaculture, Capacity strengthening, Data management, information systems, ICT, Fisheries EU Africa, Western Africa Sierra Leone 2012 2013
Mauritania: Management advice in the fisheries sector – Establishment of a fisheries sector data base Data management, information systems, ICT, Fisheries GIZ Africa, Western Africa Mauritania 2012 2013